Gib die AKA oder den Namen eines SysOps oder Systems ein, um 397.312 Einträge (davon 1.203 aktive) aus 1.749 Nodelisten von 1986-10-04 bis 2024-12-14 zu durchsuchen. (credits)

SysOp: Crystal Fisher
AKA: 1:220/2
System: Gold Frog's Pad
Location: Rhinelander WI
Date: 1987-10-17 - 1988-01-09
Keyword: node
Uplink: 1:220/0
Phone: 1-715-362-3444
Baud: 2400
Flags: XP, #CM

SysOp: The Lady Ming
AKA: 1:220/2
System: Gold Frog's Pad
Location: Rhinelander WI
Date: 1988-09-10 - 1988-09-10
Keyword: node
Uplink: 1:220/0
Phone: 1-715-362-3444
Baud: 2400
Flags: XP, #CM

SysOp: Rich Miller
AKA: 1:220/2
System: The Four Cornes BBS
Location: Newmarket NH
Date: 2014-03-08 - 2014-03-08
Keyword: node
Uplink: 1:220/0
Phone: 000-0-0-0-0
Baud: 300
Flags: CM, IBN,

Execution time: 0.0017s