Gib die AKA oder den Namen eines SysOps oder Systems ein, um 397.312 Einträge (davon 1.203 aktive) aus 1.749 Nodelisten von 1986-10-04 bis 2024-12-14 zu durchsuchen. (credits)

SysOp: Dave Carter
AKA: 2:1/3
System: Zonegate Eur Oceania
Location: UK
Date: 1998-01-17 - 1998-02-21
Keyword: node
Uplink: 2:1/0
Phone: 44-181-407-0014
Baud: 9600
Flags: CM, MN, XX, MO, H16, V32T, VFC, V34, U, X2C

SysOp: Dave Carter
AKA: 2:1/3
System: Zonegate Eur Oceania
Location: UK
Date: 1998-02-28 - 1998-05-16
Keyword: node
Uplink: 2:1/0
Phone: 44-181-686-2555
Baud: 9600
Flags: CM, MN, XX, MO, H16, V32T, VFC, V34, U, X2C

SysOp: Ward Dossche
AKA: 2:1/3
System: ZoneGate Eur Oceania
Location: BE
Date: 1998-05-23 - 2000-01-01
Keyword: node
Uplink: 2:1/0
Phone: 32-3-4480880
Baud: 9600
Flags: V34, VFC, CM, XX

SysOp: Ward Dossche
AKA: 2:1/3
System: ZoneGate Eur Oceania
Location: BE
Date: 2000-01-08 - 2000-01-08
Keyword: node
Uplink: 2:1/0
Phone: 32-03-4480880
Baud: 9600
Flags: V34, VFC, CM, XX

SysOp: Ward Dossche
AKA: 2:1/3
System: ZoneGate Eur Oceania
Location: BE
Date: 2000-01-15 - 2000-04-15
Keyword: node
Uplink: 2:1/0
Phone: 32-3-4480880
Baud: 33600
Flags: V34, VFC, CM, XX

SysOp: Sven Dueker
AKA: 2:1/3
System: ZoneGate Eur Oceania
Location: D
Date: 2000-04-22 - 2004-11-13
Keyword: node
Uplink: 2:1/0
Phone: 49-571-9520096
Baud: 9600
Flags: CM, XX, H16, V32B, VFC, X2S, V90S, X75

SysOp: Sven Dueker
AKA: 2:1/3
System: ZoneGate Eur Oceania
Location: D
Date: 2004-11-20 - 2009-02-28
Keyword: node
Uplink: 2:1/0
Phone: 49-571-9520096
Baud: 33600
Flags: CM, XX, H16, V32B, VFC, X2S, V90S, X75

Execution time: 0.9223s